01 Aug 2024

Profound experience in Timor-Leste

The Southern Cross August 2024 | Fr Olek Stirrat

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Over two weeks, 15 students and two teachers from Tenison Woods College, Mount Gambier, along with myself, were recently immersed in the culture and faith of the people of Timor-Leste. 

Amongst other experiences, we visited a school, kindergarten, orphanage, Klibur Domin Ryder-Cheshire house aiding the sick and Balibo.

While being a poor, third world country, the people exuded profound faith and deep joy.

It was a reminder for me of the difference between the ‘having’ and ‘being’ modes of existence; of having possessions and being virtuous.

The New York Times columnist, David Brooks makes a similar contrast between resumé values and eulogy values. Resumé values are values one brings to the marketplace such as efficiency and productivity, whereas eulogy values are oriented around love, fidelity and depth.

In Australia many of us have developed our resumé values but I felt that the people of Timor-Leste embodied eulogy values. 

The people of Timor-Leste exemplified a generosity of spirit by their warmth and hospitality. They reminded me of the poor widow of whom Jesus spoke, who gave more than all others, for she gave out of her poverty (cf. Mark 12:41-44).

A highlight was meeting President José Ramos-Horta, celebrating Mass in Tetun and participating in a unique indigenous custom in Manu-Sae which concluded with a sacrificed buffalo (parts only) nailed to a cross and raised. To be honest, it was a baffling and, dare I say, hypnotic experience but a privilege to be a witness of such a significant event for the community.

I was pleasantly surprised and deeply edified by our Year 11s and 12s who engaged with many of the people of Timor-Leste with enthusiasm and were open to many cultural and faith-based experiences, which at times were confronting and difficult.

My prayer is that a profound experience for us may become a life-transforming experience. Who knows, there may be a few vocations in the grou!

Fr Olek Stirrat is assistant priest in Mount Gambier parish.

Picture: Fr Stirrat (back left) with Tenison Woods College students during their immersion trip to Timor-Leste.

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