A process of discernment
Many options, one choice

Someone thinking about priesthood may already be at some stage of the discernment process.
The following are identified as steps involved in the process of becoming a priest of the Archdiocese of Adelaide:
- Involvement in the local parish
- Talking with a parish priest
- Contacting a Vocations Director
- Being invited to regular monthly Inquirers' Masses
- Informal chats about the priesthood with other priests
- Discernment: asking and answering questions about priesthood – a time of reflection and prayer
- The person is interviewed by a panel of three people who recommend that the candidate continue with the entry process into the seminary
- The next step is participating in a 3-day assessment program conducted by “Vitality Psychology & Consulting Services” in Sydney
- Acceptance into Priesthood: a formal application to the Archbishop as a student of the Diocese and a letter of acceptance from the Archbishop
- The student is known as a seminarian and studies a Theology degree for approximately six years at Corpus Christi College, 180 Drummond St, Carlton, Victoria
- During a seminarian's formation, there are opportunities for intellectual/spiritual/human/pastoral formation within a parish
- Ordination to the Diaconate
- Ordination to the Priesthood
'O Lord it is you who are my portion and cup, It is you who are my prize. The lot marked out for me is my delight. Welcome indeed the inheritance that falls to me.'